Winter's Tale (2014)


Action / Drama / Fantasy / Mystery / Romance

IMDb Rating 6/10

Plot summary

SPOILERS: In 1895, a couple of immigrants are not allowed to entry into the United States because the man has consumption (a.k.a. tuberculosis) and they leave their baby son in a miniature sailboat named "City of Justice", to be adopted by some family. In 1916, in New York, the baby has grown up and is the burglar Peter Lake, who was raised by the demon and gangster Pearly Soames. When Peter confronts Pearly, he orders his men to kill him but Peter is saved by a flying white horse. Peter decides to rob one last house and leave New York, but he meets the red-haired twenty-year old Beverly Penn that is dying of consumption and they immediately fall in love with each other. They decide to flee to the North to the Lake of the Coheeries, where Pearly has no jurisdiction and is not allowed to go by Lucifer. Pearly believes that Peter will use his miracle and spiritual destiny that everyone is born with to save Beverly and he uses another angel to poison Beverly. Peter does not succeed in saving her and when she dies, returns to New York and Pearly throw him off the Brooklyn Bridge. However Peter does not die and wanders for almost a century without memories until 2014, when he meets the little red-haired Abby, who is dying of cancer, and her mother Virginia Gamely. Now he believes that he can save Abby, but Pearly is hunting him down. Will Peter succeed in using his miracle this time?—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil